Year: 2021
Design support for the 21st century
Published 2021 by Dongdaemun Design Plaza/ddp Design Fair/Seoul Design Foundation. From hand-holding to startup financing The history of design support until today has two distinct phases: project hand-holding and startup financing. From the nineteen-eighties until around the 2000’s, the economy revolved around industrial production, and a preferred model of design support was project hand-holding. In…
Exclusion included: Hostile design
Lately, a young designer with a bachelor’s degree from Parsons School of Design approached me with his design for a bench for a design competition for better public spaces. After having asked a few questions, it became clear that sitting a bit longer on this bench, or lying on it to have a nap, was…
Design Collaboration for Dongdaemun Design Plaza
The largest Design Center in Asia, Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), published a two-part article on new paradigms for Design Collaboration by Mario Gagliardi (in Korean): Strategies for the 21st century: Design Collaboration, part 1 Strategies for the 21st century: Design Collaboration, part 2 DDP is managed by the Seoul Design Foundation and the Seoul Metropolitan…
The Vessel, New York
The buildings of New York always held a special symbolic quality. The Empire State Building was iconic for it’s age, representing a relentless striving upwards, culminating in it’s gleaming Art Deco top. The Word Trade Center was a symbol of post-war New York. Jean Baudrillard uncovered its symbolism: “Why are there two towers at New…
Why the eighties are back
Korea’s design magazine Design Jungle interviewed Mario Gagliardi about the history and reasons behind the resurgence of eighties design. “To understand the design of the eighties, you have to understand what led to it. The sixties brought the revolution of 68, the design of the seventies embraced this new freedom, and the eighties combined it…
Design Integration: From Imitation to Ecosystem
This article was first published in Fall 2005 in Designmatters by the Danish Design Center (DDC) as ‘Imiteret, kommercialiseret, oplevet: Sammenkædningen af design, virksomheder og denverdensøkonomiske udvikling’. Company structures changed dramatically over the course of the last century. The structures and processes behind the production of goods evolved, and with these also the relationships of…